Expired December 13th Technical Meeting

  • December Technical Meeting
     December 13, 2022
     5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Topic Summary:
Hot work is defined as burning, welding, or similar spark-producing operations that can ignite fires or explosions. Hot work accidents occur throughout
many industries in the U.S., including food processing, pulp and paper manufacturing, oil production, fuel storage, and waste treatment. Most hot work
incidents result in the ignition of combustible materials, e.g., a roofing fire, or the ignition of structures or debris near the hot work.
The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) has found that hot work is one of the most common causes of worker death among
incidents it investigates. CSB continues to see hot work incidents involving materials in the areas surrounding the work activity, and have found a
significant subset of incidents involving a tank or container where flammables are present to be particularly dangerous. In addition, the CSB continues
to observe hot work incidents involving a tank or container at high hazard facilities like refineries and chemical plants. These incidents typically result
in injuries and fatalities and have the potential to result in a major catastrophic accident.
This presentation will discuss seven key lessons to prevent worker deaths during hot work, and present the results of CSB’s investigation into a recent hot
work incident which resulted in the death of two contracted employees.

5 Commerce Park Drive North, Suite 201
Bedford, NH 03110
Date & Time:
December 13, 2022 5:30 pm